Matthew Dixon,Brent Adamson

About the author

Matthew Dixon is an expert in sales, customer service and customer experience. He works as the Chief Product & Research Officer of Tethr, an AI venture in Austin, Texas. The company helps mine customer voice data for information. He used to work as the Senior Partner and the Global Head of Sales Force Effective Solutions at Korn Ferry hay Group. He also worked as Group Leader of sales, service, and customer experience of CEB (now Gartner).

He obtained a Ph.D from the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburg. His Bachelor was in International Studies from Mount Saint Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

He is a public speaker and has worked for may corporations. He speaks about topics such as sales effectiveness to customer service. to customer experience. He is also a renown business author.

He is the author of the Challenger Sales, a Wall Street Journal best seller. He also writes for the Harvard Business review.

He currently lives in Maryland with his wife and four children.